writing your birth plan
We will work together covering all aspects of your birth plan; from where you want to give birth to pain relief and comfort, from environment to cord clamping. You will leave feeling confident in your choices and ready to give birth your way
3 hours
Digital Hypnobirthing Pack
Goodie Bag
biomechanics & Bodywork
This is one of my favourite topics. Positioning and bodywork are so important in pregnancy and labour. We will explore various Spinning Babies manoeuvres and techniques as well as pregnancy exercises
2 hours
Digital Hypnobirthing Pack
Goodie Bag
Birth partners & comfort techniques
Across this 2 hour workshop we will cover all aspects of how to be a great birth partner including advocacy and decision making, what to expect from labour and how to respond to each stage and also massage and comfort techniques
2 hours
Digital Hypnobirthing Pack
Goodie Bag
Birth mindset
Your mindset is one of the most important parts of your birth preparation. The mind-body connection is strong and extremely prevalent when you're in labour. We will cover everything from manifestation and visualisation, to affirmation, journalling and relaxation. This course will help you to understand how your mind will affect your body and how they can work together to help you birth your baby
2 hours
Digital Hypnobirthing Pack
Goodie Bag
Birth physiology
Understanding how your body works in labour and what to expect helps you to feel safe and comfortable during your birth. We will discuss hormones, your uterus, cervical dilation and birth positions
2 hours
Digital Hypnobirthing Pack
Goodie Bag
hypnobirthing short course
A short version of my full hypnobirthing course. In this condensed version we will learn about the mind-body connection, discover all the hypnobirthing techniques and touch on all other aspects of birth preparation too
4 hours
Digital Hypnobirthing Pack
Goodie Bag